17 November 2016

Contoh Soal UN SMP Bahasa Inggris 2017 Beserta Jawabannya

Salah satu matapelajaran yang di UN kan ditingkat SMP/MTs adalah bahasa Inggris. Kalau ditanya apakah ujian nasional bahasa Inggris susah? Jawabannya "RELATIF". Susah bagi teman-teman yang tidak mau berusaha, mudah bagi pelajar yang mau belajar dan berlatih. Jika teman-teman mempunyai keinginan tidak mau sukses untuk mendapatkan nilai yang terbaik dalam ujian nasional 2017 mendatang, segera tutup halaman web ini (Kok jadi galak gini, haha). Namun jika nilai sempurna adalah impian teman-teman semua, contoh soal-soal UN bahasa Inggris di bawah ini akan sangat membantu.

Contoh soal ujian nasional bahasa Inggris yang sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban yang akan teman-teman pelajari di bawah ini sudah disesuaikan dengan kisi-kisi UN 2017. Jadi jangan pernah ragu untuk mempelajarinya.

Contoh Soal UN SMP Bahasa Inggris 2017 Beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Ujian Nasional SMP/MTs Bahasa Inggris Berdasarkan Kisi-kisi 2017

Short Functional Text
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk caution/notice/warning, greeting card, letter/e-mail, short message, advertisement, announcement, invitation, schedule.
  1. No lifeguard on duty

    Where we can find that notice?
    1. Beach
    2. Zoo
    3. Park
    4. Desert
    Notice di atas memberi tahu kita untuk hati-hati akan arus yang berbahaya dan tidak ada penjaga yang bertugas. (A)

  1. Edinburg
    22 October 2013

    Dear Andi,
    I told you that I was going to Semarang, but actually I was heading for Jakarta. I applied for a job and I went for an interview yesterday. The manager and factory supervisor interviewed me. At first I found it difficult to understand them but I managed to answer all their questions. I'll know on Friday before I return whether I got a job or not.

    Tomorrow, on Wednesday, I plan to go to the National Monument and the Kota Tua. I'm going to spend a few more days here enjoying the city which I hope will become my home for the next few years.

    I'll ring you when I hear something about my job on Friday.

    What is the synonim of the word ring on the last paragraph?
    1. Text
    2. Call
    3. See
    4. Visit
    Kata ring artinya menelpon. Yang sama artinya dengan menelpon adalah call. Text artinya mengirim SMS, see artinya melihat, dan visit artinya mengunjungi. (B)

  1. Tari,
    Thinking of you in your sorrow and praying for God's blessings on you and your wonderful family. You have our deepest sympathy on your loss.

    Yoga and Danar.
    Yoga and Danar want to show their ... through this short letter.
    1. happiness
    2. sympathy
    3. dissapointment
    4. complaint
    Teks tersebut merupakan kartu ucapan bela sungkawa atas musibah yang menimpa Tari. Kalimat kuncinya pada bagian:"You have our deepest sympathy on your loss". (B)

  1. New York
    22 October 2016

    Dear Rudi,

    I told you that I was going to Japan, but actually I was heading for Tokyo. I applied for a job and I went for an interview yesterday. The manager and factory supervisor interviewed me. At first I found it difficult to understand them but I managed to answer all their questions. I'll know on Friday before I return whether I got a job or not.

    Tomorrow, on Wednesday, I plan to go to the Shibuya and the Harajuku. I'm going to spend a few more days here enjoying the city which I hope will become my home for the next few years.

    I'll ring you when I hear something about my job on Friday.

    Bye Samuel
    What is the synonim of the word ring on the last paragraph?
    1. Text
    2. Call
    3. See
    4. Visit
    Kata ring artinya menelepon. Yang sama artinya dengan menelepon adalah call. Text artinya mengirim SMS, see artinya melihat, dan visit artinya mengunjungi. (B)

  1. Ricky, our plan to visit our friends who suffer from Amsterdam eruption is cancelled. The weather is not good to fly. I will let you know later.

    How do Ricky and James plan to visit their friends?
    1. By bus
    2. By ship
    3. By train
    4. By plane
    Dari kalimat "The weather is not good to fly", mereka akan mengunjungi korban letusan Amsterdam dengan menggunakan pesawat. Kuncinya pada kata fly. (D)

  1. Electric Scooter
    Electric Scooter

    Save : 80%
    All hot bargain Price: US $100.00
    Current Retail Price: US $499.00
    1000 pcs ordered/month
    From the text above, we know that?
    1. There are 100 orders for electric scooter every month.
    2. The advertisement offers 80% discount for the product.
    3. The current retail price for public is 100 dollar/pcs.
    4. The minimum order for electric scooter is 1000 items.
    Informasi yang benar berdasarkan teks iklan tersebut yaitu iklan tersebut menawarkan diskon 80% (pada keterangan save 80%). (B)


    To : All Operational Staff

    There will be a meeting this afternoon July 24th 2017 at 02.45 pm.
    The meeting will discuss the customer's order.

    Please bring the documents needed.

    Thank You
    General Manager
    What will be talked about on the meeting?
    1. Production process.
    2. Production document.
    3. Customer's orders.
    4. Customer's complaints.
    Frasa talk about sama artinya dengan discuss. Rapat tersebut akan membahas pesanan konsumen (The meeting wil discuss the customer's orders). (C)

  1. Argopuro Company
    request all the management and staffs
    on the occasion of
    25th Aniversary
    On Saturday 17 June 2017 at 7 p.m.
    Samarinda Convention Centre

    CP. Anita (08738271927) 
    The purpose of the text is to ...
    1. announce an anniversary party
    2. to inform the anniversary
    3. to invite someone ton anniversary party
    4. to congratulate the birthday of Artomoro Company
    Tujuan dari teks undangan adalah untuk mengundang seseorang datang ke sebuah acara. Pada teks tersebut acara yang dimaksud adalah ulang tahun perusahaan. (C)

    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
    12:15    12:45
    13:15    15:05
    15:35    16:05
    17:55    18:25
    18:55    20:45
    21:15    21:45
    Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
    Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
    How many times the "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" movie will be played?
    1. 5
    2. 6
    3. 7
    4. 8
    Dalam jadwal tersebut, film "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" akan tayang 5 kali, yaitu: 12:30, 14:40, 16:50, 19:00, dan 21:10. (A)

Procedure Text
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk procedure.

    • Open the water tap and fill water in the wash tub about half way to the desired water level.
    • Put the appropriate amount of detergent and the clothes to be washed into the washed tub.
    • Insert the power plug into the outlet.
    • Set the drain selector to "WASH RINSE" position.
    • Set the desired wash time referring to the table given.
    • When washing is finished select "DRAIN" to drain the water out.
    • Put the clothes into the spin dryer basket and perform the intermediate speed.

    What is the text about?
    1. The best way to wash clothes.
    2. The procedure of using a washing machine.
    3. The description of a washing machine.
    4. The ways to drain the water out of the washing machine.
    Teks tersebut merupakan teks prosedur yang fungsinya untuk menunjukkan langkah-langkah menggunakan mesin cuci. (B)

Descriptive Text
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk descriptive.
  1. TransJakarta shelters are different from ordinary bus stops. They are usually located in the middle of the road and are reached by elevated bridges. The stop in front of the well-known Sarinah shopping center on Jl. Thamrin in Central Jakarta has elevators.

    The shelters are made of from aluminum, steel, and glass. Air ventilation works through fins on the aluminum part of the shelters. Floors are made from tread plate. The doors of shelters open automatically when a bus arrives. Some of the connecting elevated bridge ramps have gentle slopes (with some exceptions) to accommodate the disabled. One disadvantage of some of the ramps is that passengers need to walk a relatively long way up the ramps and then double back to reach the boarding shelters. The floors of the bridge are mostly tread plates although some are made from concrete. One problem with the tread plate is that considerable noise is generated by the movement of passengers across the tread plate surfaces. Another problem is that some of the tread plate surfaces can become very slippery during the rainy season. There are no sanitary facilities in most of the shelters.

    Why the tread plate is slippery during the rainy season?
    1. There is no sanitary facility.
    2. It is made from the glass.
    3. The connecting elevated bridge ramps have gentle slopes.
    4. The noisy movement of passengers across the tread plate surfaces.
    Pada dua kalimat terakhir paragraf kedua terdapat kalimat: "...the tread plate surfaces can become very slippery during the rainy seoson. There are no sanitary facilities in most of the shelters". (A)

Recount Text
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk recount.
  1. Mohandas Gandhi is considered the father of the Indian independence movement. He was born on 2 October 1869. During his youth, Mohandas Gandhi was shy, soft-spoken, and only a mediocre student at school. At age 13, Gandhi married Kasturba in an arranged marriage. She bore Gandhi four sons and supported Gandhi's endeavors until her death in 1948.

    Gandhi spent 20 years in South Africa working to fight discrimination. It was there that he created his concept of satyagraha, a non-violent way of protesting against injustices. While in India, Gandhi's obvious virtue, simplistic lifestyle, and minimal dress endeared him to the people. He spent his remaining years working diligently to both remove British rule from India as well as to better the lives of India's poorest classes. Many civil rights leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr., used Gandhi's concept of non-violent protest as a model for their own struggles.

    How old Mohandas Gandhi, when he was die?
    1. 78 years old.
    2. 79 years old.
    3. 80 years old.
    4. 81 years old.
    Mohandas Gandhi lahir pada tahun 1869 dan meninggal pada tahun 1948, jadi beliau berusia 79 tahun ketika meninggal. (B)

Narrative Text
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk narrative.
  1. The following text is for question number 13
    The Lion was in a bad mood. That morning his wife, the Lioness, had told him that his breath smelled. He was worried. Then, the Lion called his three counsellors - the Sheep, the Wolf and the Fox.

    First he called the Sheep. 'Tell me, Sheep,' growled the Lion, 'do you think my breath smells?' The Sheep thought the Lion wanted to know the truth. So she bowed low before the Lion and said, 'Your Majesty, your breath smells terrible. In fact, it smells so bad that it is making me feel quite ill.'

    This was not what the Lion had wanted to hear. Roaring angrily, and calling the Sheep a fool, he pounced on her and bit her head off.

    Next he called the Wolf. 'Tell me, Wolf,' growled the Lion sharpening his claws, 'do you think my breath smells?' The Wolf had seen the dead Sheep on the way, and he had no plans to end up the same way. He bowed low before the Lion and said, 'Your Majesty! How can you ask me that? Your breath smells as sweet as the flowers in spring, as fresh as the...'

    He could not finish what he was going to say. 'Liar!' roared the Lion, and ripped him to pieces.
    At last the Lion called the Fox. The Fox came warily; she had seen the dead Sheep and the dead Wolfontheway.

    'Tell me, Fox,' growled the Lion, sharpening his claws and yawning widely so that the Fox could see his long sharp teeth, 'do you think my breath smells?'

    The Fox coughed and sneezed and blew her nose, and then clearing her throat noisily, said in a hoarse whisper/Your Majesty, forgive me. I have such a nasty cold that I cannot smell a thing!'
    What is the moral value of the text above?
    1. Honesty will save us.
    2. Lie will kill us.
    3. Smartness will save us.
    4. Strong will give us power.
    Di dalam cerita fable tersebut, kejujuran dan kebohongan yang dilakukan oleh The sheep dan The Wolf menyebabkan mereka mati terbunuh oleh The Lion. The Fox menggunakan akalnya untuk mengelabui The Lion agar selamat. (C)

Report Text
Menentukan gambaran umum/pikiran utama paragraf atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau rujukan kata atau makna kata/frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dalam teks berbentuk laporan (report).
  1. Ylang-Ylang (Cananga odorata) is a large evergreen tropical tree of the annonaceae family, which grows to 100 ft. in height. It has drooping branches and yellow, long-petaled flowers whose fragrance can be smelled from a distance of 30 ft. or more. It originated in Indonesia and is widely distributed in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and the Polynesian Islands.

    Ylang-Ylang grows from seeds and begins to bloom in three to four years. The flower changes color from pale green to lemon yellow. Old flowers have a dark yellow color with brown spots and are about 2" long with narrow petals gracefully hanging down.

    The plant blooms practically year round. Its branches are entirely covered with clusters of flowers and dark green oval fruits. Ripe fruits have a black color. Unlike some annonaceae, Ylang-Ylang fruits are not used in foods; however they are quite edible and have the tart but pleasant aroma of a conifer or juniper.

    Even when not in bloom, the tree is very beautiful with branches that look like those of Christmas trees, its leaves are large, dark green and are located on the branch in pairs, which creates the illusion of a "Christmas Tree".
    Where is the cannaga originated from?
    1. Indonesia.
    2. Philippines.
    3. Southeast Asia.
    4. Thailand.
    Dalam paragraf pertama, disebutkan dalam kalimat "It originated in Indonesia and is widely distributed in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and the Polynesia Islands". (A)

Teks Rumpang
Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang bentuk recount atau narrative atau procedure atau report sederhana.
  1. How to Scramble Eggs
    Break eggs into bowl. Add 1 tablespoon milk or cream and a dash of salt and pepper or each egg. Beat well with fork. Heat half tablespoon fat for each egg in moderately hot skillet. Heat in mixture and reduce heat. Cook (3)... turning gently as mixture sets at bottom and sides of pan. Avoid constant stirring. When cooked through but still moist (5 to 8 minutes), serve at once.

    Complete the text with appropriate words
    1. fast
    2. slowly
    3. hard
    4. calmly
    Kita masak telurnya pelan-pelan, agar tidak mudah gosong. (B)

Susunan Kata
Menentukan kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks rumpang bentuk recount atau narrative atau procedure atau report sederhana.
  1. of their flowers - the strong - plants - gardenia - are - for - scent - popular - sweet
              1                    2              3            4          5      6        7           8           9
    Arrange the following words into a good sentence.
    1. 4-3-5-8-6-2-9-7-1
    2. 4-3-5-2-9-8-6-7-1
    3. 4-3-5-8-2-9-6-7-1
    4. 4-3-5-8-6-9-7-2-1
    Susunan kata yang benar yaitu: 4-3-5-8-6-2-9-7-1 (Gardenia plants are popular for the strong sweet scent of their flowers). (A)

Kalimat Acak
Menentukan susunan kalimat yang tepat untuk membuat paragraf yang padu dan bermakna.
  1. Arrange these sentences into a meaningful text
    1. Slather as much (or little) mayonnaise as you like on one side of each slice of toasted bread.
    2. First, toast two slices of whole grain bread.
    3. While the bread is toasting, slice your tomato and avocado.
    4. Top with the second slice of toasted bread.
    5. Add a layer of lettuce, sliced tomatoes, and avocado.
    6. Cut the sandwich in half if you want, to make it easier to eat.
    7. Slather also the tomato or chili sauce.
    1. 2-7-1-3-5-4-8-6
    2. 2-7-1-5-4-3-8-6
    3. 2-7-1-4-3-5-8-6
    4. 2-7-1-5-3-8-4-6
    Kita masak telurnya pelan-pelan, agar tidak mudah gosong. (B)

Mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris tidak begitu susah jika teman-teman mau berlatih, berlatih dan berlatih. Dalam persiapan menghadapi UN SMP bahasa Inggris 2017 mendatang, menjawab banyak soal-soal latihan adalah salah satu bentuk latihan yang dapat teman-teman lakukan. Sukses selalu, raih nilai maksimal, dan buat orang-orang disekitar Anda bangga !!!
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